Rabu, 05 Juli 2017

 Modern Strike Online

Over the last year and a half Modern Strike Online has quietly offered Android users the best-looking, smoothest running and most engaging FPS experience ever for mobile. In return, those who found the game have provided the critical mass needed to ensure that neither rookie nor pro is left waiting for a game that’s both fair and challenging.
Now that it’s available for iOS, Modern Strike Online has the ability to up the ante in terms of what iOS users can (and should) expect from multiplayer mobile FPS shooters from here on in. to make a real impact, it needs to find the audience needed to support and sustain the gameplay experience currently available on Android. That’s going to be difficult to do if issues with server stability that have been leading to players being kicked out of games prematurely or waiting whole rounds with no one to play against aren’t cleared up.

The gameplay in Modern Strike Online couldn’t be more straightforward. Shoot your way through your enemies while trying to avoid meeting the same fate. what’s less straightforward is making your way through the dizzying array of weaponry. That’s why we’re help you cut through the clutter and make the most of your hard-earned in-game currency.
the quiet launch approach means that there just might be enough time to secure stability before a critical mass of players descends on the game. Even better, it seems as though the game’s mysterious developers are already taking the issue seriously with things getting noticeably better over the last week. With that in mind, the bulk of this review will be based on our experiences with Modern Strike Online prior to its iOS launch, but the gist is the same for players on both devices apart from the server issues.
In an era where many free-to-play shooters leave you feeling as though there’s no way to win without dropping hundreds of dollars into top-line weaponry, Modern Strike Online’s matching system means that almost always you’re facing off against players that are truly a good fit with your skills, experience and assets. After at least 18 months of consistent Android play, there’s ever only been a handful of total blowouts – and this is coming from someone that can’t last more than 90 seconds without accidentally blowing themselves up in Halo. there’s the game’s intuitive touch controls that reflect the strengths and limitations of a touch screen. Modern Strike uses autofire by default, giving a big boost to players who might not be the strongest shooters. Still, it also allows players to use manual fire, thereby appeasing FPS sharpshooters. The aim function does improve accuracy considerably, especially for those looking to rack up headshots specifically — though it’s still possible to get by without it if moving, looking and trying to avoid enemies is already a bit overwhelming.

Common to first-person shooters, there are two main weapon types. In the primary weapon slot you’ve got your rifles. In the secondary slot you’ll find your handguns. Rather than listing the pros and cons of each weapon on offer, for the sake of expediency (less time reading, more time playing!) here are your best bets within each category for the three main stages of your career.

In your first hours or days with Modern Strike Online, the range of weapons you have to choose from is fairly limited and everything will look pretty appealing. Don’t be fooled by fancy scopes and stylish bodies. The goal here is to have something that’s reliable and can inflict serious damage without having to constantly dip into aim mode.
 It might not pack the meanest punch, but it also doesn’t ask much from you in terms of skill. Plus, chances are, you’ll be able to unlock it for free. It’s also fairly durable which means you’ll save on repairs in the medium and long term.
There isn’t a vast array of maps in Modern Strike Online, but rather than making the game feel boring and repetitive, it’s something that works really well. As quickly as you can get a lay of the land, there’s always new hiding spots and routes through the map to discover. This helps speed up progression and with certain equipment and game modes only becoming accessible after you reach a certain level, hitting level 10 quickly is something you’ll almost certainly want to do.

What the game lacks in terms of a glut of maps, it makes up for in terms of different types of game modes. There’s the common team and everyone for themselves deathmatch scenarios of course, but unlike many mobile FPS games, Modern Strike Online certainly doesn’t stop there. Make it to level 10 and you’ll also be able to play Bomb Mode (unlocks at level 8), Team Squad (unlocks at level 8), Team Battle, Hardcore and Custom Games (designed for playing with friends).
With 60 damage and the option to purchase using credits, the AA-13 might not be the most powerful of the weapons on offer, but it is the best value. With a few upgrades you’ll be able to compete with the intermediate legendary weapons for a fraction of the cost. It’s less durable than some of the other options, but even with the repairs it’s top of the category.
When the time comes that you reach level 20, the KGS Premium is the weapon you’ll want to scoop up. A 200 damage rating versus a 105 overall rating and a high dispersion rate means you’ll be taking down the rest of the field quickly and with considerable ease. The distance range isn’t impressive, but by level 20 you’ll be a pro with the explosives making this less of a deal breaker. Plus, when compared with other level 20 weapons it’s quite a steal and even relatively common in chests.
This array of game modes is complimented by an almost dizzying selection of weapons, customizations and armor. As a free-to-play game, if you want to buy the best weapons on offer it’s going to cost you as you’ll either need to quit your job to play full time or splash out a bit of cash, and this is where Modern Strike Online draws much of its criticism.

there are a few things to consider here. Firstly, it is totally possible to have an amazing experience without spending a dime. Secondly, battle chests, reward points and the gold you’ll naturally accumulate mean that you’ll often that the ability to play with top-grade weaponry on a rental basis. Thirdly, the matching system means you’ll almost always be playing against people packing similar firepower. Finally, Modern Strike Online at its best offers an experience that rivals most console FPS games for free. The occasional in-app purchase sends a message to the developers that you appreciate the effort that goes into a game of this scale and makes future improvements (maps, server capacity, game modes) possible.
Through gameplay you’ll win upgrade chests which will provide you with upgrade points. Although they can be spent on either your primary or secondary weapon, it’s a good idea to focus on the primary because chances are you won’t be using your secondary weapon all that often. Heads up not every attempt at an upgrade is going to be successful (this is a deliberate game feature) so if your upgrade fails, don’t worry you’ll probably get the next one.
Grips, barrels, clips, sights and paint can all be upgraded and customized in Modern Strike Online. When you have a bit of extra credit or gold, it’s worthwhile to consider accessorizing to up the amount of ammo you can carry around with you, your fire rate and accuracy. Adding a skin also gives your weapon a personal touch, if that’s your sort of thing.
Your secondary weapon might not make very many appearances, but you don’t want to ignore it entirely. When you do need to use your handgun you need it to work and work well, especially because you’re likely in very close range to your enemy.
Two guns aren’t necessarily better than one, but in this case it’s worth the investment. with the single USP having a low damage rate, doubling up improves your odds of success.
In keeping with the effective but frugal approach, there’s no real need to purchase a Pro or Level 20 secondary weapon. The intermediate (Level 10) Beretta will stand you in good stead with its laser aim, 33 damage and 30 metre range. It’s also non-breakable so you won’t need to worry about fixing or replacing it all the time.

Given that your knife is generally treated as the weapon of last resort unless you are stealthier than a ninja, for the vast majority of players an upgrade from the basic combat knife is unnecessary. However if you really want to up your knife game, the Beaver strikes the right balance between cost and potential. With a an overall rating of 60 and a damage rating of 70, it punches above its weight. At 21,000 credits to buy forever, it’s also a bargain.
The Gameplay
- Deathmatch: It's kill or be killed, capitalism style. Kill the other players as many times as you can
- Team Deathmatch: Team vs Team battle
- Bomb mode (team vs team with 1 life, plant the bomb)
- Team Bomb mode (team vs team deathmatch, plant the bomb)
- Hardcore mode (damage inrease x3)
- Team Squad (team vs teams, 3 rounds)
- Create your own games (create any game maps/rules)
Modern Strike Online Beaver
Explosives are often overlooked, but the difference between a good player in Modern Strike Online and a great one is how effectively they’re able to make use of explosives. This is one area where it’s worth trying to invest in or source some of the legendary class C4 explosive because they can be remotely detonated.
Rather than loading up on Stun Grenades or RGN, it’s better to buy more M69 HE. Once you get the hang of the throw, the 20 rating/damage difference between the RGN and M69 HE doesn’t tip the scale towards quality over quantity.
It’s also worth noting that Modern Strike Online doesn’t use a limited energy model. Most of the time this is great. Sometimes less so, because there’s a persistent likelihood that you’ll log in for one game and lose an entire night if there’s no external force making you stop. To call a game ‘addicting’ has become something of a cliché, but in this case it’s the most accurate descriptor.

If you’re interested in either the first-person shooter genre or high quality mobile games of any genre, Modern Strike Online is a rare must play. It might play better on Android than iOS right now, but that almost certainly won’t be the case for long. Even with its server issues, Modern Strike Online for iOS threatens to blow other mobile FPS shooters straight out of the water.
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